InformationWeek and VMBlog Feature Data Privacy Best Practices from Prove Chief Compliance Officer Lesley O’Neill
Complying with shifting privacy regulations across the globe has never been more complex or more important. In honor of Data Privacy Day, Prove’s Chief Compliance Officer Lesley O’Neill spoke with VMblog and InformationWeek about data privacy best practices and the best ways to get your entire organization excited about protecting consumer privacy.
Read the two articles:
InformationWeek: Will Your Company Be Fined in the New Data Privacy Landscape?
VMblog: Data Privacy Day and Ensuring our Safety in 2023
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Mary Ann Miller, Fraud & Cybercrime Executive Advisor and VP of Client Experience at Prove, addresses this need on a recent episode of SOAR Payments’ podcast.
Identity fraud is a constantly evolving threat, and organizations must develop rigorous strategies to protect themselves and their customers against the efforts of bad actors who use false, stolen, or synthetic identities to perpetrate fraud.