Prove Identity®

Confidently verify consumers

Verify consumers' identity with just their phone, no document scans or selfies needed. Reduce friction and control fraud.

Let's Talk
Prove Identity™
Boost auto approvals

95%+ of customers frictionlessly pass verification through our model

Streamlined compliance

Supports meeting KYC, CIP, and CPP regulatory requirements

Identity & risk confidence

6M lifecycle change events measured daily by Prove’s Trust Score® in addition to billions of authentication events annually

Identity verification made easy, enabling consumers to transact with trust

From onboarding to ongoing verification, Prove Identity® verifies various personal information elements, while also risk scoring in real-time for an unparalleled identity verification solution.

Onboarding to ongoing verification, Prove Identity™
Trust Score™ analyzes reputational risk

Trust Score® analyzes reputational risk

Trust Score® is a real-time measure of phone number reputation and risk associated with an identity. Trust Score analyzes behavioral and Phone-Centric Identity℠ signals at the time of onboarding or ongoing transaction to mitigate fraud such as SIM swap, account takeover, and synthetic identity fraud.

Identity Verify℠ provides PII confidence

Identity Verify℠ confirms validity of consumer PII and as part of Prove's PRO model℠ confirms that the consumer is the rightful owner of a phone number (ownership check), all while maintaining privacy.

Trust Score™ analyzes reputational risk
KYC included at no additional cost!

KYC included

Highly accurate identities from our Prove Identity Network® (PIN) are checked against all major global sanctions and PEP screens for comprehensive AML/KYC compliance.

KYC Benefits:
  • Reduce OPEX and avoid duplicate checks for transactions that don't have hits
  • 95%+ Match Rates for reduced false positives
  • Single KYC/Onboarding solution enables vendor consolidation
  • Global Coverage and 14 Languages supported

Robust set of global screened lists

  • OSFI (Canada)
  • US Consolidated Sanctions List
  • DFAT
  • UK Financial Sanctions (HMT)
  • EU Financial Sanctions List
  • Plus all major PEP & Sanctions source lists
  • UN Sanctions List
Robust set of global screened lists



Prove's Identiy Network® ML platform provides strong identity confidence

Prevents six most prevalent fraud vectors

Thwarts the top six common fraud methods, such as Synthetic Identity and True Name Fraud.

Trust Score® measures real-time behavioral risk

The Trust Score assesses current behavioral risk, while preserving an individual's identity and their historical reputation.

“At Binance.US, our goal is to democratize access to digital asset ownership and facilitate simple and safe participation in cryptocurrency markets for all Americans. We selected Prove to help us achieve this goal after a rigorous evaluation and proof-of-concept test demonstrating Prove’s pass rates and ability to deliver seamless customer experiences.”

Brian Reisbeck

Chief Compliance Officer, Binance.US

Prove Case Studies

Become a success story

Global Investment Management & Insurance Firm ‍Optimizing Call Center Ops

Prior, this global firm relied on knowledge-based authentication questions and answers which were cumbersome and costly. Onboarding Prove Identity™ helped improve customer experience, reduce time to authenticate callers, and increase security in their call centers.

Auto approval pass rate increase
Reduction in average handling time
Leading Government Services Securing Registration & Logins

Leading Government Services Firm aimed to simplify consumer onboarding and verification process for US resident identities. Turning to Prove, Prove Identity® helped provide critical IDV signals while Prove Auth® helped authenticate returning users, helping the firm scale nationally and mitigate billions in taxpayer fraud.

Consumer identities validated
Billions saved in consumer fraud loss
Leading US Retailer Reduced Fraud and Maximized Revenues

A leading retailer that aims to keep their call center agents engaged and empowered to provide human-centered concierge service was looking to reduce call center handle times and increase their security posture. Equipped with Prove Identity and Instant Link, call center agents were able to balance vigilance to prevent fraudulent transactions by seamlessly validating possession of the phone while continuing to provide a personable consumer experience.

50s / 8%
Reduction in average call center handle time
User identities verified