Prove VP Ryan Alexander on FindBiometrics | Fighting Fraud with an “Identity Heartbeat”
Are you concerned about fraud and digital identity theft? Do you want to learn more about cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions that use machine learning and biometric authentication to protect your customers? If so, you won't want to miss FindBiometrics’ latest interview with Ryan Alexander, VP, Global Head of Identity & Fraud Product at Prove Identity.
In this interview, Ryan discusses the importance of developing an "identity heartbeat" to prevent fraud and protect user privacy. By analyzing unique digital patterns generated by individuals' behavior and biometric data, Prove can identify and prevent fraud. This approach is much more effective than traditional security methods, which rely on passwords and other easily-hackable credentials.
Read the full interview and speak with a digital identity expert today.
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The developer experience (DX) encompasses the overall engagement that developers have while interacting with the tools, processes, and environments they use to build and deliver software. Learn how Prove is enabling developers with an innovative DX.
Mary Ann Miller, Fraud & Cybercrime Executive Advisor and VP of Client Experience at Prove, addresses this need on a recent episode of SOAR Payments’ podcast.
Identity fraud is a constantly evolving threat, and organizations must develop rigorous strategies to protect themselves and their customers against the efforts of bad actors who use false, stolen, or synthetic identities to perpetrate fraud.