
app fraud

2024 Mobile Fraud Trends UK Europe
2024 Mobile Fraud Market Trends in the UK and Europe

The UK and Europe are experiencing a massive increase in mobile fraud. Consumers, businesses, and government agencies are alarmed and pondering their next steps as they prepare to deal with several emerging trends that have surfaced in 2024.

Charlie Rowland
June 18, 2024
APP Fraud UK
Decoding APP Fraud: The Evolution and Eradication Strategies for Authorized Push Payment (APP) Fraud

APP fraud has emerged as a pressing national issue in the UK. In 2022 alone, losses attributable to APP fraud reached a staggering £583 million. Experiencing a 39% surge from the prior year, APP scams now stand out as a predominant fraud threat to British businesses and consumers.

Paul Busby
December 4, 2023