
Identity and Access Management: Trends to Watch

August 16, 2021

The next few years will be crucial to the development of identity and access management (IAM) trends. As more and more enterprises recognize the value of multi-factor authentication (MFA), emerging trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, behavioral biometrics, cybersecurity education, and blockchain will define the future of IAM development.

Emerging Network Technologies

The world is getting smaller and smaller, and it’s all thanks to the IoT. The global networks of smart devices which comprise the IoT pose both benefits and risks to cybersecurity. On the one hand, the more streamlined and integrated IoT-enabled devices become, the easier it is to implement MFA layers such as biometrics and push authentication. On the other hand, each added IoT device to a network can turn into an access point for data thieves. And as 5G further streamlines communication between smart networks, these benefits and threats will become more pronounced.

Motion-Based Behavioral Biometrics

The combined development of sensor technology and data analytics has led to the emergence of motion-based behavioral biometrics. This emerging biometric method authenticates identity based on how a person walks. This is how our GaitAuth™ system works in a nutshell. It allows for passive and continuous authentication, providing seamless but truly unique and secure access management to any type of location, vehicle, or situation. And because this biometric layer is based on not just gait but posture data, it can start authentication based on a person’s static stance. Furthermore, it also works on people wearing face masks and gloves, making it ideal for preventing contamination and not getting in the way in situations where frequent authentication is necessary.

Blockchain and IAM

Decentralized finance (DeFi) and cryptocurrency are just the tip of the blockchain iceberg. Considering the original goal of blockchain, which was to provide a decentralized, cryptography-based method of secure transactions, it’s no surprise that the technology will have a close relationship with the ongoing development of IAM. MFA-enabled IAM applications will continue to be crucial to preventing fraud and identity theft in DeFi transactions. Likewise, advancements in cryptography and programming driven by ballooning crypto wallets will drive the next generation of emerging IAM techniques.

Greater Online Access to Cybersecurity Education

The ongoing digital migration in education will also have a crucial part in the evolution of IAM. Nowadays, more and more top universities are getting involved in making cybersecurity education more accessible to different generations and walks of life. For instance, tech company Apex has recently collaborated with the University of Maryland to create an online program for providing professional-level cybersecurity skills to both their own employees as well as military veterans. The recently-minted online cybersecurity training analyst program at the University of Maryland Global Campus is a big step towards producing more professionals who have a practical grasp of IAM, an increasingly in-demand form of expertise in the digital era.

Similarly, the online cybersecurity degree at Maryville University is a program that’s also aimed at responding to that demand. Maryville University’s Virtual Lab allows its undergraduate students to complete 100% online coursework and develop technical analytics and hacking skills in a safe environment—one that’s been distinguished by tech giant Apple for mobile innovation. There’s definitely no shortage of online programs that can afford anyone with a laptop and a web connection, a more in-depth purview of the ever-evolving IAM and cybersecurity landscape.

This type of education is crucial for anyone who works alongside virtual networks, from software engineers and mid-level managers to the board of directors at tech-dependent companies. It’s no secret that many organizations still lack the necessary IAM protocols that can sufficiently protect their networks from hackers. Even relatively simple but effective solutions like push authentication still lack momentum in terms of implementation. And it’s nearly the same for more complex MFA layers like motion-based behavioral biometrics, blockchain IAM integration, and other emerging technologies. If you don’t want your company to get swept under the rug, these are the IAM trends to watch out for—and implement—in the coming years.

To learn more about Prove’s identity solutions and how to accelerate revenue while mitigating fraud, schedule a demo today.

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