
Prove CPO Nicole Jass on PYMNTS | Biometric and Mobile Identity Authentication Make Life Without Passwords a Reality

February 27, 2023

Have you ever forgotten a password, struggled to remember a security question, or fumbled with two-factor authentication? If so, you're not alone. Passwords have been a staple of digital security for decades, but they come with their own set of problems. Fortunately, advances in biometrics and mobile identity authentication technology are making life without passwords a reality.

Prove CPO Nicole Jass spoke with PYMNTS Editor-in-Chief Matt Nesto about how new technologies like biometrics are making it easier and more secure to authenticate online.

Biometrics refers to the use of physical and behavioral characteristics, such as fingerprints, facial recognition, and voice patterns, to verify someone's identity. Unlike passwords, which can be easily forgotten or stolen, biometrics are unique to each person and can't be replicated. This makes them a more secure and convenient way to authenticate.

Smartphones are playing a big role in the adoption of biometrics. Today, smartphones come equipped with biometric sensors, such as fingerprint scanners or facial recognition cameras, which can be used to unlock the device or authenticate online accounts. This means that users don't have to remember a separate password for every account or worry about their passwords being hacked.

The article on PYMNTS notes that "banks and other financial institutions have been leading the charge in adopting biometric authentication." This is because financial transactions require a higher level of security than other online activities. In fact, many banks already use biometrics to authenticate their mobile apps or to verify a customer's identity when opening a new account.

But biometrics aren't just for banks. They can be used to authenticate a wide range of online services, from social media to email to e-commerce. As more and more people use their smartphones as their primary device for accessing the internet, the demand for biometric authentication is only going to grow.

So, if you're tired of passwords and the hassle they bring, check out the article on PYMNTS about how biometrics and smartphones are making life without passwords a reality. You may soon be able to say goodbye to passwords for good!

Read the full article or watch the interview here

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