

TechRepublic cyberattacks
Prove’s Mary Ann Miller Featured in TechRepublic Panel About Addressing Cyberattacks With AI

AI tools can autonomously generate threat detection queries, sift through vast amounts of data, and pinpoint potential threats without manual intervention.

Mary Ann Miller
July 26, 2024
Fraud in the Age of AI
Fraud in the Age of AI: Meet the Shapeshifter

The COVID-19 pandemic not only changed the way we work and live, it also unleashed a wave of fraud unlike anything we've seen before.

Mary Ann Miller
July 18, 2024
Introducing Prove Link™
Company News
Introducing Prove Link™ – Unlocking the Power of Identity for Any Business

To continue achieving our mission of accelerating trusted interactions on the internet, we’re proud to announce the introduction of the Prove developer self-service platform and the Prove LinkTM SDK. With these tools, it’s now faster and easier for any company to integrate our industry-leading identity technology into its brand operations.

July 16, 2024
Company News
Deepfake fraud
Company News
Prove’s Fraud Experts Offer Solutions to Rising Deepfake Issues

In the article, Mary Ann Miller, Prove’s VP of Client Experience, and Tim Brown, Prove's Global Identity Officer, emphasized the critical importance of establishing and verifying the origin of media using cryptographic methods.

Kaushal Ls
February 16, 2024
What is AI-Based Fraud? Robot Fraudster
What is AI-Based Fraud & How Can Digital Identity Help?

Artificial intelligence-based fraud, also known as AI-based fraud, refers to fraudulent activities or scams that are facilitated or enhanced by the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, which is the science of simulating human intelligence and problem-solving skills in machines.

Yuka Yoneda
December 12, 2023
Prove Identity on US News
Company News
U.S. News & World Report Features Recent Prove Report on Online Shopping & AI-Based Fraud

U.S. News & World Report recently published a comprehensive blueprint for stopping digital shopping scams for this holiday season. Their 14 specific recommendations rely heavily on insights and advice from a recent report released by Prove.

Kaushal Ls
December 4, 2023